Tuesday, May 29, 2007

June Weather Preview

June is the start of the summer season and the beginning of unforgiving heat when 90 degree days become a daily occurrence. On average, June is the 4th driest month of the year. Not good news this year with drought conditions already well established in the state. The average monthly rainfall for June is 3.82". August averages 3.66", October averages 3.42" and the driest month September averages 3.22" of rain. Sunny hot days and warm nights rule the month and long stretches without rain are not unusual. In 2006 there were 2 such streaks. One of 15 days without rain and another stretch of 8 days with no rain. In 2006 Jackson had 2.53" of rain with less than 2" in 2005. But on the contrary 2004 and 2003 had over 5" of rain for the month.

Looking at the long range forecast models there is a chance for a little rain at the start of June but I am expecting the prevailing warm and dry high pressure system to remain in control of our weather. Therefore, a hot and dry June is quite likely. The dry conditions could allow for comfortable overnight lows...instead of the steamy and sticky stuff we usually get in the summer. This high pressure system will play a role in the upcoming tropical season. More on that soon.

Also...look for my summer forecast later this week.

Here's hoping for some much needed rain!

Posted at 6:41 PM


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