Thursday, May 31, 2007

Once In A Blue Moon

The lunar month is about 29.5 days so it is possible to get 2 full moons in 1 month. When this happens the second full moon is known as the "blue moon". This scenario occurs about once every two and a half years. The moon is full tonight, the last day of May and the second full moon of the month. Hence the expression....."once in a blue moon".

Posted at 6:56 AM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Well here it is my much anticipated quarterly seasonal forecast...this one is for the summer (June-August). I expect drought conditions to continue and to worsen in June into July as high pressure remains over the southeastern states. This hot and dry air mass will DOMINATE the weather for much of the summer over the southeast. The first 3 weeks of June could turn out to be very very dry and hot! Afternoon thunderstorms could offer some relief in the mid to late summer period as the southeastern high drifts to the east allowing more gulf moisture to move into the area. The added moisture will help "kickoff" heat of the day storms offering some much needed rainy days in July and August. Keep in mind though, if the high does not move east, hot and dry weather will continue.

In all....hotter than average and drier than average for the summer of 2007.
Look for updated summer forecast in the future.

I will have my tropical weather outlook for you Friday.


Posted at 1:32 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

June Weather Preview

June is the start of the summer season and the beginning of unforgiving heat when 90 degree days become a daily occurrence. On average, June is the 4th driest month of the year. Not good news this year with drought conditions already well established in the state. The average monthly rainfall for June is 3.82". August averages 3.66", October averages 3.42" and the driest month September averages 3.22" of rain. Sunny hot days and warm nights rule the month and long stretches without rain are not unusual. In 2006 there were 2 such streaks. One of 15 days without rain and another stretch of 8 days with no rain. In 2006 Jackson had 2.53" of rain with less than 2" in 2005. But on the contrary 2004 and 2003 had over 5" of rain for the month.

Looking at the long range forecast models there is a chance for a little rain at the start of June but I am expecting the prevailing warm and dry high pressure system to remain in control of our weather. Therefore, a hot and dry June is quite likely. The dry conditions could allow for comfortable overnight lows...instead of the steamy and sticky stuff we usually get in the summer. This high pressure system will play a role in the upcoming tropical season. More on that soon.

Also...look for my summer forecast later this week.

Here's hoping for some much needed rain!

Posted at 6:41 PM 0 comments

Monday, May 28, 2007

Full Moon Time

Some of you may not know this but the monthly full moon has a name. This goes way back to when farmers, fisherman and scientists named the full moon phase for what was going on at the time. For instance, in May, flowers are abundant everywhere during the month. That's why the May full moon is know as the Full Flower Moon. Other names include the Full Corn Planting Moon, or the Milk Moon.
Any ideas for the full moon in June? Look for a post later.


Posted at 2:28 PM 0 comments

Thursday, May 24, 2007


The moon is the easy one to spot in the evening sky. But if you are interested, 4 planets will be visible at the same time this weekend. Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are all visible in the western sky after sunset. Give a look. The sight is spectacular. Last weekend Venus was marvelous as the planet was right next to the crescent moon.


Posted at 7:32 PM 0 comments

Rain....Down The Road Next Week?

It going to be a sunny, warm and dry Memorial Day Weekend. Pleasant actually if you have outside plans. The numbers that show how dry we are are numbing....typically we have about 17 inches of rain in the spring (March-May). This year we've had about 5 inches!

Anyway, a slight change in the weather pattern appears to be in the offing by about the middle of next week. If this change comes to pass widespread showers and thunderstorms could return to the area by Wednesday or Thursday. A much needed change. We will keep you posted on how that is looking.


Posted at 1:51 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Hurricane Preparedness Week

Hey Everybody:

Not only will you find great stuff on our web site, But try Great info there as well.


Posted at 8:02 PM 0 comments


Fires continue to burn across south Georgia and much of Florida filling the atmosphere with smoke. I am expecting a wind direction change to the east and southeast on Wednesday over central Mississippi and this will push the smoke our way. If you remember we had a brief bout with the smoke in our skies last week before cool Canadian air pushed it to our southeast.

The smokey skies could persist for several days as the weather pattern will not change much into the Memorial Day weekend. The smoke layer should be around 10-15 thousand feet. While this will give our skies a hazy and white appearance it should not affect the daily weather too much. Evening and morning twilight could be a little more colorful because of the smoke.

Dry until further notice!


Posted at 1:45 PM 0 comments

Monday, May 21, 2007

Dry Times In Mississippi

In the weather business the spring season is comprised of March, April and May. As we all know it has been a dry year so far...especially this spring with the driest March on record and the driest March and April on record. May has provided some rain but not much. The driest spring (March-May) on record is the spring of 1992 when a paltry 4.81" of rain fell. So far this spring we are at 5.25"of rain. So, while not the driest spring on record it is the second driest so far. The spring of 1985 brought 7.30" of rain. So no doubt about it this spring, like 1992 is a rare weather event....DRY. Long range predictions continue to favor very dry conditions across the region. Look for drought conditions to worsen. **(Keep in mind all weather records are for Jackson, MS)


Posted at 1:22 PM 0 comments