Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Obviously the drought is THE weather story. I continue to pour over the weather records at Jackson to look for new information. Today I came across the fact that as of right now this is the 3rd driest year on record. Through mid June the only other 2 years that were drier were 1942 with 13.06 inches of rain and 1992 with 12.96" of rain. So far this year, our total is at 13.55".

Through the end of June the driest year is 1942 with a rainfall total of 15.37". You can do the math but we have a real shot of seeing the driest first 6 months of the year here at Jackson. Jackson weather history (when records start) begins in 1896.

As I mentioned yesterday it does look like an increased chance of hit and miss thunderstorms by early next week. But no real break in the weather pattern.

Posted at 2:41 PM


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