Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I remember it well. It was 14 years ago and the date was October 31, 1993. And it was a major SHIVER ME TIMBERS COLD! My oldest daughter, Allison was 4 (she's 18 now!), Andrew was almost 2 and my baby Audrey was only a few months old. Back then, my wife Diane, some how made time to make their Halloween costumes. I even remember the year Allison was dressed up like a "Candy Corn". 1993 was no different the costumes were made and the kids were excited. The problem was a major cold front had passed through 2 days before and it was wicked cold. The high on the 30th was only 46 with a low of 29. All my wife's work and no one would see their costumes. It was too cold! In fact as I remember it, we drove the kids from house to house and had them all bundled up. JUmped out, ran to the door and then ran back to the car. It was a cold and windy night...the coldest ever for a Halloween in these parts. High that Halloween... 43 (coldest high on record) and low 26 (a record too).

So after these years. My wife and I have watched them grow, way too fast but we certainly have Halloween 1993 as a special memory....only in a "weather family"!


Posted at 3:19 PM


Blogger Deltaqueen70 said...

I don't remember it! We could certainly use the winter weather. We've been suffering with warm winters and because of that, flies and other "buggy" insects have not been eliminated.

We need some SHIVER ME TIMBERS weather soon!



PS... My family are faithful viewers of your weather forecasts.

October 30, 2007 at 8:38 PM  

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