Tuesday, October 2, 2007


A couple of things on my mind tonight. First of all, you can expect very warm weather for October for the next 2 weeks. I am expecting highs and lows to average 5-8 degrees above average (at least that much) through the middle of the month. It looks like a high pressure ridge will control the weather over much of the eastern two thirds of the county during the period.

If you have been watching my weather broadcasts this week I have been talking about another "upper level low" over the gulf. This is a non-tropical weather system with a cold core. The low will be moving to the west northwest over the next few days and could brush the gulf coast areas with quite a bit of rain. As far as we are concerned, the increase in humidity combined with above average temperatures will provide the right environment for pop up showers Thursday and Friday and possible into the weekend.

This system will not get strong quickly and worst case scenario, possible be named as a sub-tropical weather system. Nothing more than some much needed rain for us...if the rain develops this far inland.

Posted at 7:34 PM


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