Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Active November Weather

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches I am expecting 2 bouts of stormy weather through Sunday. The first will be on Wednesday afternoon/evening (Thanksgiving Eve) and the second will occur over the weekend. A strong cold front will sweep across the south Wednesday afternoon through early Thanksgiving morning. Here in Mississippi I am expecting the front to move through central Mississippi during the evening hours on Wednesday the 21st. Heavy showers with downpours and a few thunderstorms with gusty winds will be possible as the front sweeps across the state. The rain should be east of the Jackson area by Thanksgiving morning with much colder weather for the holiday.

I am expecting a second storm and possibly a stronger storm to threaten the area late Saturay and into Sunday. Travelers returning home to Mississippi should be aware of the potential for heavy rain and severe weather late in the upcoming weekend. How the storm evolves and the path it takes will determine how much rain and if we will get any severe storms. STAY TUNED!

Posted at 6:10 PM


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