Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Southeastern Drought

It looks like some nice rains will be moving across the southern states and in particular the drought stricken parts of the south late Wednesday as a strong front moves across the region. Now don't get me wrong. Any rain is appreciated and much needed but the long range forecast is still not predicting a rainly pattern. In fact we could see the drought worsen to the west into Mississippi if we don't start getting some rain here.

Through Tuesday November 13th here are some of the rain deficits in the hardest hit areas of Alabama and north Georgia.

Tuscaloosa -28.24"
Birmingham -21.58"
Montgomery -14.88"
Huntsville -24.22"
Atlanta -18.24"
Chatanooga -17.99"
Anniston -29.15

In Mississippi:

Jackson -18.14
Meridian -20.06
Tupelo -10.53"
Greenville -14.99"
Greenwood -8.26"
Hattiesburg -12.69
Vickburg -25.96"

Posted at 6:27 PM


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