Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hard To Watch

I don't know about you, but it gets old watching it rain all around us day in and day out. There was another nice round of rain this evening to our west over in Louisiana. While the "blocking pattern" that has kept us dry does show signs of weakening. There are still no real signs that an abundance of rain is on the way. Fortunately though, upper 90s are not in the forecast and lower to middle 90s are. Hey, it not as hot.

Friday will offer a couple of rogue late day thunderstorms but it the only the lucky few that see this type of isolated rain. Rain chances do not look good voer the weekend adn now long range models are iffy on rain chances next week. Sometimes it tough to get rid of what you have...DROUGHT!

Pray for rain...we need it!

Posted at 8:04 PM


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