Friday, August 17, 2007

Dean A Monster

Dean has become a Category 4 hurricane Friday evening with top winds of
135mph. Conditions favor further strengthening over the weekend. Some of the most
powerful hurricanes on record have come in August and in the Caribbean
Sea. Dean looks to be on his way to this list. Dean storm will threaten
Jamaica on Sunday and could be a strong 4 or a 5 on the Saffir Simpson Scale .

A couple of observations. Even if Dean gets
stronger, he is still pretty far away and it is hard for hurricanes to
maintain their powerful status (CAT 4 or 5) for too long. Usually about 2 days is average for a storm to be at its peak. Then, they begin to come down in strength some. So hopefully Dean will be weaker when he approaches the Yucatan on Monday. Even Katrina, as big and nasty as she was, was losing strength after being a CAT 5.

My forecast thinking is pretty much the same as the last 2 days. Hot high pressure over our
area should protect us and steer the storm towards Mexico or south
Texas. Should the high weaken some, Dean could certainly turn to the
northwest a little more than I anticipate but that would probably increase the treat for
the Texas area and not here. Anyway, still plenty of time to watch
weather features. Ken will be in theis weekeend.

Just remember, now is a good time to make sure you are PREPARED. Just in case a storm heads our way this hurricane season.

Posted at 5:32 PM


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