Friday, August 10, 2007


With a no moon visible in the sky there will be excellent viewing of the Perseid meteor shower this weekend. Peak will be late Sunday night to dawn Monday morning with about 60 meteors per hour. You should pick out a dark patch of sky away from light pollution for the best view. Also, Mars, the red dot in the northeastern sky will be visible at the same time so enjoy.

This is a great time to address an e-mail hoax that is going around.; There is an e-mail that says Mars will be at its closet point to earth later this month and Mars will appear as large as our moon. THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE AND A HOAX. Mars did make its closest pass to earth several years ago. It was brighter but still a small "star" in the sky. Do not pay any attention to the e-mail should you receive. HAPPY METEOR WATCHING!


Posted at 6:50 PM


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