Wednesday, August 1, 2007


All indications are that the summer heat and humidity will be at full tilt for August. I am expecting a large area of hot air to form over the central U.S. providing blistering August heat for much of the U.S. east of the Rockies. Here in the south that means highs well up in the 90s with oppressive humidity making it fell even higher. Climatologically this should be the hottest stretch of summer weather and it looks like it willbe.

I am watching with growing interest a stalled front over the northern Gulf of Mexico. When fronts stop moving this time of the year, clusters of storms can grow and possibly turn into something tropical. This usually turns into a heavy rain threat. Since the storm would be close to land it would not have time to gain much strength if any. Right now it is a wait and see game. But I can tell you the forecast models do want to bring in a lot of rain to the central gulf coast Friday into Saturday. At this point it will probably mean just a greater chance for thunderstorms for our area.

Posted at 2:46 PM


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