Friday, July 20, 2007

Pleasant July Air On The Way!

Friday evening/night is looking to be quite stormy as a strong, at least for July anyway, cold front pushes its way north to south across the state. The front will clear the southern parts of Mississippi late Saturday with northerly breezes pushing in drier air. Humidity levels will drop and become quite comfortable by Sunday.

What gives? In the summer the jet stream is typically way to our north over the northern U.S. or southern Canada. The jet stream is important because it steers weather systems across the globe. This weekend, the jet will dive deep into Dixie. Not only triggering thunderstorms but pushing dry air from Canada this way. Now, it is July and true "cool" air just doesn't make it to the southern states. But the humidity will drop to comfortable levels. Every few years we see the jet dive into our area in the middle of summer, it brings some terrific weather to the folks to our north. So enjoy the drier air when we get it.

Posted at 1:56 PM


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