Thursday, June 21, 2007

As I Said...

OK, I was off for a few days and I saw there were some nasty storms
around the region...wind and rain. Unfortunately for most of the
Jackson area it was more wind than rain. I had a paltry.1" of rain at my house. Greenwood and parts of the delta had up to 4". Give me a break...this is hard to watch when we need the rain so badly around the metro area!
South Mississippi saw some nice rain too! Like I said last is
hard to watch.

Hang in there though we may see a weather pattern
adjustment next week allowing for GOOD rain chances through much of
next week. The high pressure system that has been sitting over our
region should drift to the eat a bit allowing the moist flow that has
affected Texas to influence our weather.

Today is also the astronomical start to summer. The sun is at its highest
point in the sky with the sun's direct rays over the Tropic of
Cancer (23.5 degrees N latitude) today.

Posted at 2:40 PM


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