Monday, July 16, 2007


As summer began back in June it was hot and dry. The grass was brown
and it looked like 100 degree temperatures were on the way. It was one
of the driest first 6 months of the year here in Jackson. Now...there
has been rain around EVERYDAY in July and the rain gauge has measured
just over 6 inches of rain for July. What a turn around! The
Mississippi landscape is green and lush. No way we can hit 100 degrees
now! Right? I really thought back in June a 100 degree day this summer
was a done deal. But the weather pattern shifted just enough to allow
the rains to our west to move into the state. I can not remember a
summer with the grass this green that we hit 100 degrees. What does
green grass have to do with it you ask? You need your "science cap" for this one. The key word is EVAPOTRANSPIRATION.
By definition this is the process of water being transferred from the
earth's surface to the atmosphere. Simply put its it the water from the
ground and vegetation
evaporating into the air. This is a "cooling " process and will help
keep the temperature down, a little bit anyway. It is enough to keep a
hot day from becoming a 100 degree day. Hence, the brown ground rule.
When the landscape is brown and "cooling"
and 100 degrees is possible.

OUTLOOK...NO 100 anytime soon.

Posted at 6:17 PM


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