Monday, July 2, 2007

I'm Back

Well I made it! We hiked 50+ miles! What gorgeous country in north central New Mexico. Above 13,000 feet there was still snow on the ground and I had a chance to walk though it on our way to Mount Wheeler (13,100 feet--the highest point in New Mexico). I think it was on Wednesday that there was a little new snow on top of Wheeler. My son and I were fascinated by the breath taking views and wild game. We saw: rams, deer, mountain goats, sheep, large herds of elk moving straight up the mountain slopes, antelope, buffalo and some other assorted small game. WOW! This was an experience I will not soon forget.

On our way back we saw some of the flooding first had in northeast was bad over there.

I know there has been some rain around while I was gone. But not at my house! My grass is brown. Thanks to my wife for keeping my plants and flowers alive while I was gone. 2 important notes on the dry weather. This has been the driest January 1 through June 30th and the dries March 1 through June 30th on record at Jackson.

Rain chances look pretty good Monday evening into Tuesday as a weak front will be in the area. The front will act as a focus to trigger afternoon/evening storms. While I think the storms will be numerous there will probably be areas that don't see much rain.

The 4th of July into the weekend looks like typical July with highs in the 90s, high humidity and a few late day storms around the area.

Be safe for the Fourth!


Posted at 1:06 PM


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