Friday, July 20, 2007

Looking Ahead To Next Week (Week of July 23rd)

Unusual weather events continue to unfold! All indications are the jet stream will continue to be unseasonably far to the south for late July. It is looking like a pool of cold air in the upper atmosphere will meander over the south. Cold air at cloud levels is very favorable for afternoon thunderstorm development....possibly "hailers". In the summer surface temps rise to near 90 which forces the cold air aloft to sink. In turn...surface air rises rapidly and forms thunderstorms. By mid next week we could see active afternoon thunderstorms across the south. Temps may not be all that hot either.

So to recap....dry and comfortable air comes in for the weekend into early next week with the threat of an active thunderstorm period by the middle of next week. Temps look to be below average with rainfall above average.

Posted at 2:03 PM


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