Sunday, August 5, 2007


There will be opportunities for some hit and miss downpours Sunday and Monday and it will be hot, but it WILL get hotter. This week promises to be a brutally hot week and possibly our hottest stretch of weather this summer. A large and strong area of hot air (High Pressure Ridge)will strengthen right over the South. Highs will run 96-101 Tuesday through at least Friday. More importantly the humidity will combine with the heat to make it fell like 102-107 during the hottest times of the day. Rain chance look slim for most of the week so with the lack of clouds and "cooling" afternoon storms it will be very hot for a long period of time. You'll see the temperature reach 90 by 10:30 or 11AM and stay above 90 through 7PM and of course it will fell hotter than that. Nighttime temperatures will be uncomfortable as well.

I'll have some words on the "quiet " tropics tomorrow.

Posted at 8:09 AM


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