Thursday, December 6, 2007


El Nino is the warming of the Pacific Ocean currents. La Nina is the
opposite, the cooling of the Pacific Ocean currents. Both changes have
a profound impact on weather patterns that affect the United States. As
2007 comes to a close La Nina has strengthened and the weather across
the country is acting accordingly. Stormy out west, mild to warm in the
east with brief cold snaps. Unfortunately, La Nina usually means dry
weather for the southeast...not what we want to hear.

So don't
be surprised of you see more news stories about bad storms out west and
large snowstorms over the central states. Here in Mississippi, La Nina
brings perhaps a better chance of anice storm than a snowstorm. But with above average temperatures this winter and only brief cold snaps, the chances of a wintry storm are low. The timing of cold and moisture arriving at the same time would have to be perfect.

Posted at 4:11 PM


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