Saturday, January 19, 2008


Well, it has been a few years, but there is a little snow at my house. Rather large flakes and there still seems to be a little rain too. At 4:45AM it is 34 degrees here. I just woke the kids, they staggered to the door and went back to sleep. Seem like a few years ago we'd be outside jumping up and down. But after all, they are all teenagers now.

It looks like the forecast is going as planned. As it gets colder drier air is moving in and any snow or sleet will be pretty light. A few spots may see a little white on the grass or on roof tops.

Posted at 2:50 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Currently in North East Jackson it is snowing pretty steadily. The rain completely changed over to snow about 3:45 here. All of our cars are now dusted with a good layer of snow. My little brother and I are awake and watching this momentous event in Jackson. I even made a snow ball and it is now sitting in my freezer. I wish we would get a good few inches. Thanks for all the updates David, my tv has not left the live radar for the last few hours!

January 19, 2008 at 3:18 AM  

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