Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Looking Ahead To Christmas

Christmas is a week away! Hard to believe! The weather pattern is shaping up to be an active one into this weekend before quieting down by Christmas Eve. The weather continues to act as it should in a La Nina year. If you missed my past blogs La Nina is the cooling of the Pacific waters. Like El Nino, La Nina affects the global weather pattern.

La Nina produces and active storm track from the western states across the Rockies to our north and up through the Ohio Valley and on to the northeast. Mild temperatures are generally in place across the South with brief but sometimes regular bouts of cold weather. While the pattern generally brings below average rainfall, the next few weeks look to be rather wet at times.

2 storms will zip across the U.S. over the next 4 days. The first will bring rain by Thursday morning with a second system bringing rain for Saturday. Like last Saturday, the second system will be followed by a brief blast of cold air. Cold high pressure will settle over the South for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Temperatures could drop into the 20s for Christmas Eve morning and to around freezing for Christmas morning. At this time it appears the first half of next week will be quiet weather wise. After a chilly Christmas temperatures should moderate.

Right now it looks like the only bad day for pre-Christmas travel would be Saturday.

Posted at 7:03 PM


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