Monday, December 10, 2007

Rare But NOT Unheard Of

Near record warmth continues and it looks like we will have 2 more days of it through Wednesday. Yes, it is unseasonably
warm and yes it is rare to be this warm for so many days in a row in
December. But it has happened before. I looked back 25 years and looked
for at least 5 days in a row with a high of 75 and lows in the 50s and
60s during the same time frame. Here is what I found. In 1998 we had a
similar warm spell from the 1st to 7th of December. In 1990 there was a warm spell from the 12 to 17th and in 1984 the last week of the year from the 26 through New Year's Eve was toasty.

I also was looking for a correlation
with these spells and La Nina. La Nina is the cooling of the Pacific
waters and usually brings a mild winter pattern to Mississippi. But in
the above mentioned years there was no La Nina in those years.

Is the currnet warm spell related to global warming? Hard to say, but given these spells have happened before there is no direct evidence to support a relation ti global warming.

Posted at 3:18 PM


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